Category Archives: SisterHood

Warrior Women

I met a woman at the Walmart today. A Cashier. A kind, Humble looking woman. Soft Spoken. 

A full 9 months pregnant working standing on her feet hour after order to support her family. The obvious agony from the burden of carrying a new life on her face. Still..she persists.

We chatted for a few minutes while she rang up my purchases about lack of time to do anything else Not even enough to take the time out to do her own shopping at the end of the day. Exhausted. Heavy with child. The doctors say they don’t see a reason for her to take off work..despite her obvious pain and struggle.

As a mother. A woman. This begs the question: What the hell is really going on in our society??

How is it that the very segment of the population that sustains it by carrying and birthing new life into this world are treated with less respect and care than some people give their pets??

How is it that the value of a woman, the only known being that can even achieve the task of completion of the circle of life is so damn low?

Those who make the rules and the laws regarding Healthcare and who is fit to work and receive help and when. Where the hell do “they” think they came from?? Unless they cane from a test tube.. A Woman.

Is this how they would want their own Mothers to be treated?

Why the lack of Respect for such a key piece of the Life puzzle?

This is not a post bashing men. This is a post asking a serious question. It takes both a man and a woman to create a life but there’s only one who feels the full pain mentally, physically and emotionally of getting that life from point A to B. Safely.

No sleep. Aches and Pains. Poor Circulation. Hemorrhoids. Morning Sickness Sleep on Your Left Side. Pillow Mountains. For months on end. Almost an Entire Year of someone’s life. Altered. ReShaped. Forever Changed. 

Where is the Respect?

Where is the Love?

As it stands right now..without a Woman? None of us could even Be here.

I think it’s time for a Global Priority Check.

Shout out to all the Moms and Warrior Women out there doing the Damn thing.

Bearing Children. Raising Them. Making Them Strong

Holding Families Together. 

Supporting Your Man or Partner. 

Holding Down A Job..or Three.

Running Corporations…or Countries. 

Serving Our Militaries.

Keeping The Lights On. 

Keeping A Roof Over Your Family’s Head.

Breastfeeding For More Than 24 Hours. 

Being Your Own Support System..and Everybody Else’s. 

The List Goes..On.

In Spite Of. Making A Way..Out of No Way. You’re Beautiful Baby. Regal.  I feel your pain. Yet… you still Rise and Thrive. My Sisters. Take A Bow. 

I Love You.