Category Archives: Support System

Reversing Negativity..Life Tips…From an Introvert. 

Life can get a bit crazy at times. A lot of times I find that I am not quite sure what to do. It’s at times like these when I wish that Life had an Instruction Manual. Remember those?
They used to come with things when you bought them at the store to teach you how to use them.
Where is the Life Instruction Manual?? 👀 
It has dawned on me that maybe we already have the manual, and like the dreaded “group project” at school (sorry if I offend anyone, I’m an Introvert. Small doses folks.) Anyway like that group project perhaps we are all supposed to get “together” and collaborate on this manual. 
I think that this is the case because we all have different skill sets and understandings of how we “Do Life.” Some things work for others that the next person would never even think to try if it hadn’t been introduced or shown to them. So today I would like to start a collaboration on a giant Group Project. 
Introverted Antennas up. Xanax in place. Prepared for people interaction. 
Let’s Do This! 
Today’s Focus: Releasing Negativity
Today begins the first day of the 8th month of the year, as we know it. 
If any of you are metaphysically inclined, then you already have the understanding that the number 8 corresponds and vibrates in our lives in the areas related to prosperity and abundance. 
It’s out there for all of us to have, so why don’t we all have it?
Negativity. We essentially block ourselves from all that we can be and by focusing on all that we can’t be and don’t have. What we believe is indeed what we receive. I could go into a really long explanation of how, and why, but if you just take a moment to sit back and review your own life and how it flows, you’ll see it. 

On the days that you wake up and your thoughts lean in the direction of: 

‘Ugh this is gonna be a crappy day.”  

What kind of day do you end up having if you stay on that train of thought?
If it works one way, and clearly it works because there’s a lot of pissed off people running around this place…then it has to work the other way. 

Today, I’m “In my Zen.” 🙏🏽

Today, I am going to focus my thoughts and energies on what I “Do’ have and have accomplished and be thankful. For that.

 This kind of focus creates space and opens the door for more things that are wanted to come in. I’ll share some of my tips with you and please share yours with me in the comment section. Introverts included. This is a group project. No hiding allowed. 

How I start my day when I’m in my Zen. 🙏🏽

I wake up and before I even get out of bed. I remind myself..that I woke up. (I am thankful.)
I look around me and realize that I have all that I need by way of food, shelter, etc. (I am thankful.) 

If I find myself now out of bed and leaning towards a self defeating thought, I stop what I am doing and focus on “adjusting that thought.” 

Example: Man, I really don’t feel like going to work today..etc. (Negative Thought) 

Reversing the thought: “ Me going to work today allows me to accomplish the second thought above. I am “able” to work and generate income which is needed for me to traverse this Monopoly Board that we call life and someone who doesn’t have a job or all that they need would love to have..the very job that I am complaining about. Things are good. (I am thankful.)”

Some other possible thought options:

– I Can do this. 

One task at a time. 

– I made it through yesterday, and all of the days before that. I will make it through today. 

– Everything is done for a reason and is working out, Exactly as it should. What that is…will reveal itself to me in time. 

This is a repetitive process that may have to be done a few times at random points throughout the day, for random things. But you get the gist. Right?


Please share with the rest of the group some strategies and tactics that you have for reversing negative thoughts and taking back control of your day which in essence allows for you to open that door..for more. 

Have an Amazing Day!! 😘

Why I Love my Aries Man

I’ve been told on more than one occasion in my life, that I am handful. 
In my defense that is not actually true. I’m “two” handfuls..and probably a good portion of a forearm. It is what it is. Because I know exactly who I am and how I can overwhelm even the most sturdiest of personalities, I’m writing today to give Kudos to my Aries man and to let you guys know why I Love him so. 

He’s able to take a joke. Even at his own expense. 

No one has that I have come across has been able to fully understand my humor and to take a joke without being completely offended by what I am saying. Not thus far. In this case I would say that I have truly met my match. Not only can he take a joke, but somehow he manages to flip it back around on me and have me pretty much in tears and laughing at myself..and him in the end. He has an Awesome sense of humor! 

He understands my “Weirdness”
Now I don’t know if this is an act or a real thing, but my thoughts and behaviors can be well..pretty out there. From UFO’s to why pregnant women should be given more time off work and beyond, he rarely misses a step. I don’t know if this is a good thing, or we’re both nuts. In either works. I’ve had to take way less Xanax since he came into my life. Thank you baby, because my next topic of discussion was going to be on how much Xanax is too much.

He gets it. 

He watches my favorite TV shows with me.

From the Big Bang Theory, to Scandal. He’s in it to win it. In return I have watched some things that I would have never considered before: Vampire movies, Deadpool, and I think we have a Netflix date to watch some more guys blowing up things and doing things I don’t quite understand, but fair is fair right? 

He’s worth it. 

He’s just an all around Awesome Guy. Far from perfect. He admits his mistakes when he makes them and makes genuine and noticeable efforts to correct them or at least understand what I am yelling about, or in most cases being silent about as I shut down more often than I yell. He just waits for me to snap out of it and we move on with our lives. He’s present. Attentive. Makes an Effort and he shows me every single day that he loves me in both big and small ways. To add icing to the cake he is freaking gorgeous to boot! 


What more can a girl ask for? 

Warrior Women

I met a woman at the Walmart today. A Cashier. A kind, Humble looking woman. Soft Spoken. 

A full 9 months pregnant working standing on her feet hour after order to support her family. The obvious agony from the burden of carrying a new life on her face. Still..she persists.

We chatted for a few minutes while she rang up my purchases about lack of time to do anything else Not even enough to take the time out to do her own shopping at the end of the day. Exhausted. Heavy with child. The doctors say they don’t see a reason for her to take off work..despite her obvious pain and struggle.

As a mother. A woman. This begs the question: What the hell is really going on in our society??

How is it that the very segment of the population that sustains it by carrying and birthing new life into this world are treated with less respect and care than some people give their pets??

How is it that the value of a woman, the only known being that can even achieve the task of completion of the circle of life is so damn low?

Those who make the rules and the laws regarding Healthcare and who is fit to work and receive help and when. Where the hell do “they” think they came from?? Unless they cane from a test tube.. A Woman.

Is this how they would want their own Mothers to be treated?

Why the lack of Respect for such a key piece of the Life puzzle?

This is not a post bashing men. This is a post asking a serious question. It takes both a man and a woman to create a life but there’s only one who feels the full pain mentally, physically and emotionally of getting that life from point A to B. Safely.

No sleep. Aches and Pains. Poor Circulation. Hemorrhoids. Morning Sickness Sleep on Your Left Side. Pillow Mountains. For months on end. Almost an Entire Year of someone’s life. Altered. ReShaped. Forever Changed. 

Where is the Respect?

Where is the Love?

As it stands right now..without a Woman? None of us could even Be here.

I think it’s time for a Global Priority Check.

Shout out to all the Moms and Warrior Women out there doing the Damn thing.

Bearing Children. Raising Them. Making Them Strong

Holding Families Together. 

Supporting Your Man or Partner. 

Holding Down A Job..or Three.

Running Corporations…or Countries. 

Serving Our Militaries.

Keeping The Lights On. 

Keeping A Roof Over Your Family’s Head.

Breastfeeding For More Than 24 Hours. 

Being Your Own Support System..and Everybody Else’s. 

The List Goes..On.

In Spite Of. Making A Way..Out of No Way. You’re Beautiful Baby. Regal.  I feel your pain. Yet… you still Rise and Thrive. My Sisters. Take A Bow. 

I Love You.