Why I Love my Aries Man

I’ve been told on more than one occasion in my life, that I am handful. 
In my defense that is not actually true. I’m “two” handfuls..and probably a good portion of a forearm. It is what it is. Because I know exactly who I am and how I can overwhelm even the most sturdiest of personalities, I’m writing today to give Kudos to my Aries man and to let you guys know why I Love him so. 

He’s able to take a joke. Even at his own expense. 

No one has that I have come across has been able to fully understand my humor and to take a joke without being completely offended by what I am saying. Not thus far. In this case I would say that I have truly met my match. Not only can he take a joke, but somehow he manages to flip it back around on me and have me pretty much in tears and laughing at myself..and him in the end. He has an Awesome sense of humor! 

He understands my “Weirdness”
Now I don’t know if this is an act or a real thing, but my thoughts and behaviors can be well..pretty out there. From UFO’s to why pregnant women should be given more time off work and beyond, he rarely misses a step. I don’t know if this is a good thing, or we’re both nuts. In either case..it works. I’ve had to take way less Xanax since he came into my life. Thank you baby, because my next topic of discussion was going to be on how much Xanax is too much.

He gets it. 

He watches my favorite TV shows with me.

From the Big Bang Theory, to Scandal. He’s in it to win it. In return I have watched some things that I would have never considered before: Vampire movies, Deadpool, and I think we have a Netflix date to watch some more guys blowing up things and doing things I don’t quite understand, but fair is fair right? 

He’s worth it. 

He’s just an all around Awesome Guy. Far from perfect. He admits his mistakes when he makes them and makes genuine and noticeable efforts to correct them or at least understand what I am yelling about, or in most cases being silent about as I shut down more often than I yell. He just waits for me to snap out of it and we move on with our lives. He’s present. Attentive. Makes an Effort and he shows me every single day that he loves me in both big and small ways. To add icing to the cake he is freaking gorgeous to boot! 


What more can a girl ask for? 

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