Why I Love my Aries Man

I’ve been told on more than one occasion in my life, that I am handful. 
In my defense that is not actually true. I’m “two” handfuls..and probably a good portion of a forearm. It is what it is. Because I know exactly who I am and how I can overwhelm even the most sturdiest of personalities, I’m writing today to give Kudos to my Aries man and to let you guys know why I Love him so. 

He’s able to take a joke. Even at his own expense. 

No one has that I have come across has been able to fully understand my humor and to take a joke without being completely offended by what I am saying. Not thus far. In this case I would say that I have truly met my match. Not only can he take a joke, but somehow he manages to flip it back around on me and have me pretty much in tears and laughing at myself..and him in the end. He has an Awesome sense of humor! 

He understands my “Weirdness”
Now I don’t know if this is an act or a real thing, but my thoughts and behaviors can be well..pretty out there. From UFO’s to why pregnant women should be given more time off work and beyond, he rarely misses a step. I don’t know if this is a good thing, or we’re both nuts. In either case..it works. I’ve had to take way less Xanax since he came into my life. Thank you baby, because my next topic of discussion was going to be on how much Xanax is too much.

He gets it. 

He watches my favorite TV shows with me.

From the Big Bang Theory, to Scandal. He’s in it to win it. In return I have watched some things that I would have never considered before: Vampire movies, Deadpool, and I think we have a Netflix date to watch some more guys blowing up things and doing things I don’t quite understand, but fair is fair right? 

He’s worth it. 

He’s just an all around Awesome Guy. Far from perfect. He admits his mistakes when he makes them and makes genuine and noticeable efforts to correct them or at least understand what I am yelling about, or in most cases being silent about as I shut down more often than I yell. He just waits for me to snap out of it and we move on with our lives. He’s present. Attentive. Makes an Effort and he shows me every single day that he loves me in both big and small ways. To add icing to the cake he is freaking gorgeous to boot! 


What more can a girl ask for? 

Warrior Women

I met a woman at the Walmart today. A Cashier. A kind, Humble looking woman. Soft Spoken. 

A full 9 months pregnant working standing on her feet hour after hour..in order to support her family. The obvious agony from the burden of carrying a new life on her face. Still..she persists.

We chatted for a few minutes while she rang up my purchases about lack of time to do anything else but..work. Not even enough to take the time out to do her own shopping at the end of the day. Exhausted. Heavy with child. The doctors say they don’t see a reason for her to take off work..despite her obvious pain and struggle.

As a mother. A woman. This begs the question: What the hell is really going on in our society??

How is it that the very segment of the population that sustains it by carrying and birthing new life into this world are treated with less respect and care than some people give their pets??

How is it that the value of a woman, the only known being that can even achieve the task of completion of the circle of life is so damn low?

Those who make the rules and the laws regarding Healthcare and who is fit to work and receive help and when. Where the hell do “they” think they came from?? Unless they cane from a test tube.. A Woman.

Is this how they would want their own Mothers to be treated?

Why the lack of Respect for such a key piece of the Life puzzle?

This is not a post bashing men. This is a post asking a serious question. It takes both a man and a woman to create a life but there’s only one who feels the full pain mentally, physically and emotionally of getting that life from point A to B. Safely.

No sleep. Aches and Pains. Poor Circulation. Hemorrhoids. Morning Sickness Sleep on Your Left Side. Pillow Mountains. For months on end. Almost an Entire Year of someone’s life. Altered. ReShaped. Forever Changed. 

Where is the Respect?

Where is the Love?

As it stands right now..without a Woman? None of us could even Be here.

I think it’s time for a Global Priority Check.

Shout out to all the Moms and Warrior Women out there doing the Damn thing.

Bearing Children. Raising Them. Making Them Strong

Holding Families Together. 

Supporting Your Man or Partner. 

Holding Down A Job..or Three.

Running Corporations…or Countries. 

Serving Our Militaries.

Keeping The Lights On. 

Keeping A Roof Over Your Family’s Head.

Breastfeeding For More Than 24 Hours. 

Being Your Own Support System..and Everybody Else’s. 

The List Goes..On.

In Spite Of. Making A Way..Out of No Way. You’re Beautiful Baby. Regal.  I feel your pain. Yet… you still Rise and Thrive. My Sisters. Take A Bow. 

I Love You.

Do Life. Your Way. ( A Partner Post)

Do Lifepic

What happens..when you live in a world filled with so many things going on around you that other people can’t or actually refuse to see?

What happens when you see things and just “know” things..from your soul, but you can’t share them because it seems that no one is really listening?

Do you try..anyway to share, to enlighten or do you shift your energies towards evolving with the new understandings that you have?

We were all born in Tune. Even before we took our first breaths. In Tune with the body of our Mother’s as they carried us. Somehow “knowing” without being told what our bodies needed to sustain themselves. To grow. To thrive. Then..we are born.

I wonder what many people think when babies and children before they become fully exposed to the world seem to have better insights into People and things going on around them. I wonder if we think it is an accident that we can place a newborn in the arms of one person and they remain calm and at Peace..and then we can take that same child and place them in the arms of another person and that same Peaceful child all of a sudden seems to go completely Haywire??

The child at a certain point is still in Tune. We only seem to become out of tune as we try to force ourselves to Resonate with the “World’ and worldly things..that don’t suit us.

How many times have you had an idea or thought or wanted to do something, only to be advised by those who are deemed older and/or wiser that your ideas are silly and unrealistic. How many of us have fallen off..our path in order to follow that of someone else?

In doing so how many times have you felt the Joy of a new understanding or discovery..slowly fade away?

People including myself, speak to us from an understanding and perspective of “Their” limits. not our own.

I have four sons and one Daughter. When asked the famous question of “What do you want to be when you grow up?” As we all are at some point, I chose not to impose my understandings on them and let them decide for themselves. One chose Parenthood at an early age as I did and is an Awesome Father. Present and Available for his children daily. Which to me is one of the hardest jobs on this Earth. Because as I write..we discover that guiding another person into their Greatness. Their “Own” Greatness, is no easy task. He seems to think because he’s tuned in to the world that says otherwise this is not enough. Not knowing how proud that I am of him for being a Man that “Stays” and shoulders his responsibility and guiding his children safely into their futures. He thinks that he should be a millionaire. Not knowing that the riches of his heart will far outlast that of any monetary means. Not knowing that seeing your child achieve the dreams and goals that “they” want to achieve will open your heart in a way that no words can understand and no money can buy. Seeing someone with “Your” face. Do their “Own” things. Things that you could have never imagined doing. Things that they could have never done..without your Guidance and Support. I love you Son. You’re doing an Awesome Job. Keep at it!

My second born Son chose a different route and now jumps out of Airplanes and has a  literal view of the world that teaches us all. Teaching us all things that as a family we would have never known without his persistence..in being himself and doing his own thing.  I could also have never seen myself doing such a thing, but I feel Amazed and Proud to see him doing Life..his own way.

The other two are still works in progress as they find their way, but it’s been quite a heck of a ride to watch them find themselves. Lastly, the Baby Girl. Well I wouldn’t be surprised if this little two year old didn’t give someone like Hillary a serious run for their money one day. This little girl is Amazingly strong willed and I can’t wait..to watch her thrive and I can already see that she’s not going to let anything..stand in her way.

What these things have taught me..is that we have to learn to Trust. Ourselves. First. Not the world. Not the speakings and teachings of those that we deem to be great. Not our Parents. Our Friends. But Ourselves. It stands to reason that if we started out in Tune that we can find our correct Melody..again. If we allow it.

If we stop living “as if” and start living as “I AM” only then will we see the nature of the backwards lives that many of us as a collective have been living. Then we will understand why it feels so uncomfortable. It’s been like trying to fit into a pair of shoes two sizes too small because “Everybody Else” is doing it. It has dawned on me that unless a person is fully in Tune with themselves and willing to “Do Life” their way that things are bound to go awry.

We call the Artists, the Thinkers, The Dreamers of this world, The Crazy Ones. But who are the Crazy Ones really? To me..to wake up everyday and put on those too tight shoes and try to walk around in them because someone said this is the way it should be done. Is Insanity. Your Body..knows what it needs and it will tell you. If you listen. Your Soul..knows what it needs and it will tell you. If you listen. In this case..I think I have just answered my own Questions.

Do Life. Your Way. Then..watch everything else..fall into place.

(Originally Posted on our partner site: https://www.flowessentials.com/blogs/news)

Aries Man/Libra Woman How We Work..


Supposedly the Relationship between an Aries Man and Libra Woman is one that is filled with either one of two things:

                                                                 1. Passion and Excitement

                                                                       Or The Alternative..

                                                                       2. Crash and Burn

According to Astrology the Aries and Libra Couple are opposites on the Zodiac wheel which means that we will either enhance each other and fill in each others spaces, i.e. where one begins the other ends or we will get on each others nerves and wage war until something or someone…Explodes.

From research and personal experience I have found the above to be Accurate. 

In our case we have a little bit of both. Some days our Passion and Excitement level is crazy high. Other days..I suppose that its good that we both don’t have access to weapons of mass destruction as both of our tempers when ignited..are also very..very high.

Our Relationship is a special challenge that takes daily efforts to bring into and maintain harmony. The Aries side of my Love does cause him to constantly feel like he is the ruler of the kingdom (even if it’s not his)  and if left to his own devices will verbally mow down anything or anyone in his path and then turn around and wonder where everything went. Luckily in this case I’ve had my share of up’s and downs and understand his need to be right and don’t mind letting him be so..as long as he doesn’t try to steamroller over me in one of his daily and many attempts to prove to me and the world that he knows absolutely Everything. About..well..Everything.

A Libra woman is a paradox of sorts because we encompass many qualities. If you know any Libra ladies we are usually kind and very nice, almost to a fault. Unless..you try to Steamroller over us with your views and ideas. Diplomats we are. Doormats we are not. Although at first glance it may appear to be. It has been said that a Libra woman rules with an iron fist in a velvet glove. Dealing with the Aries man this seems to be about the only thing that will work because the Aries Man personality is Extremely dominant. Extremely.

This Matchup is not for the faint of heart by any means. However when brought into Harmony with mutual respect, understanding and a willingness to listen. I find that we do indeed, Balance each other out.

The key is listening. Not listening to figure out when the other person has stopped talking and waiting for your turn to interject, but actually “listening” to hear what the other person has to say to make sure that you understand “what” it is that they are trying to get across to you..and then responding.

This is something that we work on and have improved upon daily because as you can imagine when you have two strong personalities that both have the idea in their head that they’re right? Honey..the Fireworks are sure to come. We’ve argued about everything from the appropriate pronunciations of words to how to “correctly” build the fence for the backyard keeping in mind that neither one of us are either teachers or contractors.

At the end of the day, the most important thing that we have learned through this relationship is that the need to be “right” kind of negates the whole process. No one is always going to be right. At the same token..no one is always going to be wrong either.

The conclusion that we’ve come to is this: Would we rather be right or wrong about some mundane subject that doesn’t matter and be right, but apart? Or would we rather find the Happy Medium together…and just build the damn fence so we can roast Marshmallows in the back yard without having to look over and see the neighbors peeking in at us. Now “that” is the real issue.

What the hell are they all over in our yard for anyway??

The absolute Best part of the Aries Man/Libra Woman Relationship is that before anything, we’re friends. We have a damn good time together. Laugh like lunatics and generally have the same outlook on life. It is said that in life the best partner in crime to have..is an Aries. I have also found this to be true. My guy will participate with me in the craziest of the crazy ideas..and vice versa. Somehow with the two of us together..that shit just..works!

Remember these two?

For Better or Worse the original Ride or Die Couple

Bonnie Parker : Born October 1, 1910 (Libra)


Clyde Barrow: Born March 24, 1909 (Aries)

*Whatever they did..They did it Together. 







Welcome To Our Love..

The Beginning. 

We met..in a small coastal town off the Atlantic Ocean on the in the early spring. He was fed up with women. I..had given up on love.

Until..we found each other. 
The first time we looked at each other..it wasn’t an Earth Shattering kind of thing. There was more like a comfortable familiarity. I thought to myself I could see myself enjoying hanging out with this guy. By no means was there no physical attraction.. I just didn’t give it the weight that I would come to find out that it bore later on. 

Milk Chocolate Skin, A Perfect Mouth, Beautifully defined lips. Gorgeous Slanted Eyes and the stature of a Small Giant. It took me a little while..but not too long..to realize that I had fallen in love. 

This Blog is Our Story. How we met. How we are. How we live. How we Make it through the hard times. How we Love. 

We’ve decided to share our story like an open book. Uncensored. To give hope to those who may have stopped believing. Encouragement to those who may be struggling and to receive advice from those who have weathered the storms and come out washed clean. Still together. Still whole. On the other side. 

Thanks for taking the time to get to know us. 


                              To A Real Life..

                                 Love Story.

Stay Tuned…

Our Favorite Song Right Now: Special Affair